
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bees The Size of Bears

One day the drama will unfold upon itself and the dream champions will become still. Dozens of huge bees will fly around. Bees the size of grizzly bears. They will sting you if you try to kill your fellow man. They cannot be stopped by any weapon because they are made of neural spirits and dis- and reappear before you realize it. Their stings are real though, at first you are stunned, then you slowly solidify, eventually you turn to amber and become quite transparent.

Dan Ropers' Place
Dusty, hot and covered with sweat. Not enough water. Can't wait till I get to Dan Ropers place, there will be food and water and that's all I want. Got to make a deal. I wonder if it's worth it? It don't take much to lose your life if you don't keep your wits about yourself... Man, the dust, the dust. I should be there in half an hour - if my horse don't tire out.

National "Do Nothing Week"
Do Nothing Week is upon me. But it doesn't pay very well. Every time I try to celebrate do nothing week everybody gets pissed off because I'm not "being productive". Here I am, approaching Zen, Zen I tell you, and these frantic people are trying to block me. The Golden path is not covered in gold, must I explain further?

The Eagle Soars
The eagle soars over the clear blue skies, he spots a rabbit, dives at over one hundred miles per hour and just like that he and the rabbit are gone, one having, the other being, lunch.

End Note (Post It, Baby)
Clean desk, blank, endless monotony of deadly foolishness - repetitive strife.
Soon the gods will tire of us and wipe us from the face of the earth.
I wonder, what will they replace us with?

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