
Friday, July 17, 2015

The Cosmic's Drugstore

Dafamoes rational thought restorer

Do you know someone who has gotten a little too much religion or ideology, seemingly up their ass? Then get them some DAFAMOES! Dafamoes breaks down corrupted concepts and repairs the brain damage wrought by infinitely contradictory and thought inhibiting dogmas conjured up by mind control specialists. Restores rational thought and promotes the ability to ask a reasonable question. Works especially well on age worn silliness passed down for centuries. Only a buck two ninety eight plus shipping and handling.
Dafamoes proprietary blend created by Zzen. Packaging by Ken. Textual concept by TMITH
original product concept by Reynard and Sally. No investors or external agents will EVER be allowed to participate in Dafamoes distribution, sales or promotion.


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