
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Big Head

Hot Kirby by TMITH
My head is too big. My ego, monstrous beast, has taken me over with a grip of iron that cannot be defeated. The ego-lust slows my growth like an iron band around a tree trunk. I cannot be wrong and I know more than you - or your ancestors. I strain and wheeze gasping for the air of something new but am strangled by the net of the know-it-all. I'd like to water my garden with the vast expanses of wisdom from all corners of the universe, but my watering can is already full. Woe is me that I cannot be emptied so that I may be filled again. I cannot enter a new room - mainly because my head won't fit.

But in the same instant I can see something pushing, not sure if it is a sprig or sprout, between the fingers of the muscular beasts' hands, he is surprised and little pieces of him start to crack and little vines push outward between the crevices. The ego beast takes on a greenish apperarance as he is softened by the lush growth of a new life humble. He sits crosslegged amidst the meadow and dew actually transforming, becoming a pile of flowers - attracting honey bees and stares of well wishing onlookers.

So my head became human sized once more, proportionate, and now for an instant, I am at peace.

A scene from Reynards upcoming short "Time Machine Nigger"
Zzen and TMITH work together in the kitchen, but cook no food...
Formica? NO!
I gaze out over my artificial stone counter feeling satisfied to have acheived, at least in my kitchen, a semi permanent state. My counter will not warp or chip unless you hit it with a cast iron skillet (which someone did right there, dammit!). Oh if only all of you could enjoy an artificial stone countertop by the sinks of your lives! Your joy would only be transcended by the solid marble bathtub I'm soaking in as I dictate this message to my secretary-masseuse, the non-concubinical Sally. Please note that the solid gold fittings bend too easy, so I am going with an alloy. If only your minds could comprehend that, then you would see the full extent right before you - Look! The cedars of Abalonica! That is another thing I have so in abundance, solid wood panels. Fine cedar and oak in all the recreational and study areas - it re-arranges your mind just looking at it. Always remember that these things are dwarfed by the vastness of my interior estate...and as it is with me, myself, are not to be envied...
So what lesson are we experiencing today? It is this. Do not buy chip-board counters faced with bonded crackable plastic. These cannot possibly reflect the infinite realm. They are simply too cheap. Go with stone, or have them pour fine concrete finished with hand rubbed linseed oil and stained, giving a depth and strength most commensurate with a zen stroke. If you cannot afford these things a simple pine board will do, at the right moment the heavens will open and you may peruse the limitless possibilities of an artificial stone top. Peace and patience be with you - you who wait with cosmic authority.

On a beautiful warm day such as this... it is good to have one's shit together...

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