
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Fear Pandering To Hate - Same Bus

All a good for nothing coward needs is an excuse to kill...

Eventually after the fear and hate-filled rhetoric is repeated often enough, a man of no value will stand up with his 2nd amendment AR-15 and attack the defenseless in a church or synagogue because he is a vile coward. A vile coward that has been encouraged by the ideas of hate, fear, half truths and tribal rhetoric - falling like bird excrement from the mouths of "luminaries" on staff at Faux.
Neither Ann nor Tucker cares about the defenseless ones harmed and killed

Monday, March 18, 2019

Bible Mondays

You ever wonder what is wrong with Monday?

Well you need wonder no more... See below for answersImage result for stormy monday

The First Monday

It is in the Garden Of Eden that God decides to make the forbidden fruit tree. Human treachery, stupidity and misery soon follow. (Truthfully stupidity already existed but when you mix dumb and evil it gets extra special) God sees this as a good thing, it being a Monday and all. 

The Second Monday

One week later mentally challenged Eve eats the fruit from the tree on the advice of a talking garden snake (had to be a garden snake, just think about it). She will not let Adam touch her until he also eats. It is still Monday. Adam can only manage a few hours without it (there was little else to do besides eating and naming animals) so he relents, eats the fruit and gets laid. All humanity is doomed. God sees this as an opportunity for self-promotion*

The Third Monday

A couple of decades later its Monday again. Cain (Adam and Eve’s son) is upset because God is not a vegetarian. God rejects Cain’s big dinner salad of vegetables he offers as a sacrifice, but gives a big thumbs up to Abel (Cain’s brother) for his hickory smoked sheep. Cain responds by overreacting and getting violent. He cracks open Abel’s head with a handy chunk of granite that comes to be called “The Monday Stone”. God asks Cain what happened and he replies, "I couldn't help it. It's Monday for crying out loud!"

*One major religion spends an estimated 90% of their time and energy attempting to save humanity from the “Adam and Eve fruit stunt”.  They supply a well tortured savior, (though some believe his torture was insufficient, while others believe it was a little bit much) and promote him endlessly. Sometimes using fat men with white beards in red suits, bringing pretend gifts during the time of a Roman festival. They also use bunny rabbits made of chocolate with bunches of eggs, jelly beans, fertility rites, maypole dances and lots of praying. It gets a little bewildering - but somehow people get saved.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

No Expectation Living

What Else Are You Too Smart For?

Ken's "VORTEX NO. 1"

I expected so much more...

I grew up in what I hoped to be the age of enlightenment, the "age of aquarius". They actually used to sing that it was the dawning of the age. Reasoning would win out over moronic interpretations and stridently destructive policy and thought. Then "all of a sudden" it was 2016 and my rose colored glasses caught fire and disappeared in a puff of acrid smoke.  

    Can you not enjoy today? Tomorrow they will tell you that your doom is imminent and each breath will be a struggle until your gasp is final. Does that mean your win at monopoly tonight is diminished? Are you too smart to play monopoly? What else are you too smart for? The point is this: I somehow expected a candle to improve my sex life. Now you might think that I'm not smart enough to play monopoly. But step back and replace the two words, candle and sex - with another set of words.  Maybe it's "better job" instead of candle or "life satisfaction" instead of "sex". Fixes are always just around the corner are they not? Maybe your life does not need so much fixing. Maybe it needs a little more living. Don't be so smart, at least not all the time.

     Ease up on expectations and live with your feelings - you might just find things that have always been there that you did not know existed - and lose things that you never had anyway. - M.H. Wheems


Ferman Finnegan:
The buddha guys running around talking "enlightenment" also were always begging for food or "alms" - am I right?
Dear Ferman: Yes that is true. Some were sent as beggars, others as kings and then some were named Ferman... Sorry I couldn't resist that...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

ART No.1 - Frozen Sour Grapes

Where the Cosmic processes your ideas about art and fixes them - because they are wrong. Trust us.

What makes art?  An idea, and following the idea -  an execution. Many times of the artist who failed to make the king happy. Idea and the execution come together and generate emotion. This emotive quality according to folklore, legend and academia must be presently felt by onlookers, random museum staff and scholars alike in order for work to be called "a masterpiece" of art. It also helps for the piece to be rather large - like a shark in a tank full of formaldehyde or gigantic metallized balloon dog. Though this is not necessarily a requirement (see the Mona Lisa) it always helps to stir the senses when an item is fucking HUGE.
"If I saw it in an alley and it was 9" tall, I'd fookin' step on it" - Deegan describing Jeff Koons "Balloon Dog Magenta "
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living by Damien Hirst
How did he get it to hang out in the very middle of the tank? All my dead fish turn sideways and float to the top. I have about ten tanks with dead fish and nobody buys. Is it in my presentation? I want to be an artist like Damien Hirst, you know, rich. Somebody told me to try oil painting but I'm allergic to linseed oil. I like the fish idea but my landlord is starting to freak out about the smell.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Race Oriented

When you say "race oriented" are we talking sports cars?


Herscel Ammitz comments:
I don't think it is quite fair to Steve. He didn't just wake up one morning and decide to become a racist asshole. I'm sure he had racist assholes for parents too, why not blame them? I always blame my parents when I get fired from work - just like my psychologist said everything stems from childhood, but it seems as though they fire me anyway. They never ask about my childhood.

 P.S. It's ok when Stevie talks about schvartzes but he shouldn't say "Jew boy" - that is mishegas.

Tyndale T. Jones says:
Whenever someone does evil they want to hide it, that's why Steve always wears the white hood when he is at Klan meetings...

Martin FRD Royale:
You can't prove it was me or Steve at that rally because you can't see thru our hoods. We make them thick so they don't catch fire easily. That is handy when you are burning a black church, or setting a big heavy cross on fire.