
Monday, February 13, 2017

Grendel's Mother - Daycare

Franchise Opportunity! Pre-School and Daycare

In keeping with the modern day direction toward antagonist alter-ni-tarianism*, Phineas has started a chain of daycare centers for pre-schoolers thru kindergarten. It is named "Grendel's Mother" with the tagline "Bring Your Little Beast To Us". Inside you will find many references to the ancient story ( Sorry movie fans, no pictures of Angelina Jolie) and joyful similarly themed blood 'n guts tales of ancient sword battles and dragons.
It's to Childcare as Jeff Sessions is to Justice

*All rights reserved

If you are looking to alt-invest send us your info and we will see if you qualify!

(The story is "Beowulf" for those of you who are unexposed)

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