
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Art Department

Empirically Protected

"In An Industrial Mood - Melancholy I" by TMITH (click to enlarge)

Understanding Art - Interpretations by Hans Cockerel Wheems

The frustrated building attempts to impose color and light on the broad expanse of bleak concrete. The concrete is protected metaphorically, if not empirically, by an unadorned black chain-link fence while a pickup truck tries to flee the sheer melancholy of the scene. On the right refugee vegetation cries for space, water and light amidst the painted green grass. The clear sky is brazenly defiant as a covert storm of unknown proportion approaches.

Deegan adds:
This isn't a Rembrandt, I know because;
1. They don't sell Fords in Holland.
2. Rembrandt never visited New Jersey and this picture looks like just like a place in Paxton Falls, New Jersey.
3. I like this, but I don't like Rembrandt.

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