
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Teaching A Yoga Class - Fond Memory #4

Searching The Vaults

It's the church basement, or lower level. Nicely appointed shiny commercial tile shined and windows that let in a good amount of sunlight.
     I'm lean, about nineteen, charming and engaging - easy. My mom is a yoga teacher - one of the best in the city. She has a class this Saturday at the church but can't make it - so she has me take over for her. I'm supple enough and part trained. Her method of teaching was so smooth and well transitioned, I merely follow what I've seen her do many times and pull it off with no struggle. The students, (mostly women) were happy to see me and I was happy for them as they seem quite satisfied with the class.
     It wasn't until many (forty two?) years later that I realized how much of a master teacher my mother was. She was gone and I took a class with someone else. It was more of a muscle based class with people huffing and puffing, many times straining, nothing like my mothers' class. Mom's class was full of ease and effortlessness while still creating new life in muscles seldom used. You felt invigorated yet relaxed at the end of it.
     I miss her so much.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Grendel's Mother - Daycare

Franchise Opportunity! Pre-School and Daycare

In keeping with the modern day direction toward antagonist alter-ni-tarianism*, Phineas has started a chain of daycare centers for pre-schoolers thru kindergarten. It is named "Grendel's Mother" with the tagline "Bring Your Little Beast To Us". Inside you will find many references to the ancient story ( Sorry movie fans, no pictures of Angelina Jolie) and joyful similarly themed blood 'n guts tales of ancient sword battles and dragons.
It's to Childcare as Jeff Sessions is to Justice

*All rights reserved

If you are looking to alt-invest send us your info and we will see if you qualify!

(The story is "Beowulf" for those of you who are unexposed)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Oh, Darling! - Senestria!

From The Archives In The Hold Of The Ark

Sniffle Logic For The Aroma Therapy Crowd - Ark, what Ark?

A Visit From Senestria

OH DARLING! There is nothing so mundane as the constant analysis of the obvious! "Senestria, how nice of you to drop in." I said. Of course it is darling. I can only stay for a moment but I had to come to your office because one of your recent posts was... How can I say it? So, gauche! You do understand. Though correct, it just becomes tiresome and droll. How many times can you explain that a pig is swine and lives in the mire without being redundant? Come darling, the Cosmic is better than that. Everyone knows what a swamp is and need not be reminded of the mosquito bites and the alligator stings. Take some time out for a little sunshine is all I'm saying. Must run now, things to do! Remember, SUNSHINE! I want some blue sky in the next post!

Senestria can be a little overwhelming but she does have a point. Blue sky it is!
Flower Origin TMITH

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sleep Like A Baby - Rescinded!

Do Not Fade To Oblivion

Don't Over Think It - TMITH/Deegan
Think It Over - Zzen/TMITH

Daybreak. Accomplish an unthinkable amount of things today. A quantity that seems only possible in the morning after coffee, but fades to oblivion by six thirty in the evening. Push them through anyway - inhuman effort - then brag about it to yourself, in your inner places, privately. See how you feel at midnight for somehow you will have worked until then. If you are exhausted in the right way you will be fulfilled and sleep like a baby.



I tried your little concept. It's a clanker. 1. I was frustrated when I did not accomplish "an unthinkable amount" of "things" - what the hell is that anyway!?? 2. I tried to "push them through" and wound up aggravated, tired, and with a sorry ass job! Not to mention that it fucked up my sleep pattern! You can you drop this concept off "in oblivion". Nice try.

Dear Rondo

I stand corrected. Random pressing at all hours may sound heroic but is not actually practical or efficient. Changing sleep times at a whim is not sound practice. There are moments however when one must press and those are at your discretion, according to the goals and the rhythm that you feel at the time.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wings In The Forest

Error-ists In Full Flight

Featuring: The Silly Rabbit!

Script: Reynard, Pencils and Inks TMITH

Zzen says:
The Silly Rabbit cannot see the collapse of the empire as it rots from within.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Art Department

Empirically Protected

"In An Industrial Mood - Melancholy I" by TMITH (click to enlarge)

Understanding Art - Interpretations by Hans Cockerel Wheems

The frustrated building attempts to impose color and light on the broad expanse of bleak concrete. The concrete is protected metaphorically, if not empirically, by an unadorned black chain-link fence while a pickup truck tries to flee the sheer melancholy of the scene. On the right refugee vegetation cries for space, water and light amidst the painted green grass. The clear sky is brazenly defiant as a covert storm of unknown proportion approaches.

Deegan adds:
This isn't a Rembrandt, I know because;
1. They don't sell Fords in Holland.
2. Rembrandt never visited New Jersey and this picture looks like just like a place in Paxton Falls, New Jersey.
3. I like this, but I don't like Rembrandt.