
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Interpreting The Bible - Part One

Deacon Jones Answers The Tough Ones

Dear Deacon,
I ran across this at Leviticus 27 verses 3 and 4. I know the bible is not to always be taken literally, but no matter how I try to interpret these scriptures all I get is the thought that a woman is only worth three fifths of a man. I have tried to turn it into a story, a parable, even a dream - but the only thing I see here is three fifths. I'm not to sure about this and when I brought it up to my wife she tried to hit me with the pot I bought her for Christmas. Please Deacon Jones! Help! - Jonah Forsyth, Fayetteville, OK.

Jonah, Jonah!
Will you listen? Is it not  the Lord talking? Why burden yourself with logic and what you can actually see? Stretch out with your feelings, Luke. These things were written to be adjusted to any concept your heart desires, why even the Ku-Klux-Klan use the bible to defend their criminally minded disposition. Not that you should do the same Luke, that's just an example. Also Luke try not to be so stupid as to buy a pot for a gift when you should buy your wife gold, gold and more gold - then she will show the gold to her mother and her mother will say, "This man Luke is not the bonehead I believed him to be after all."
Deacon, why do you call me Luke? My name is Jonah.
Now see here Luke, Jonah was swallowed by a whale, do you want to be swallowed by a whale? That is why they will call you Luke from now until the day you die, thus... "They called him Luke, for he did not want to be in the fish for three days only to be vomited out because he was making the fish sick". You can thank me later when you have understanding, Luke.

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