
Monday, January 21, 2019

Wall Werks with Chester And Bob!


"There is nothing like shorting the workers!" - Mussolini Jr 

Could we be winning any more than now? Fearless leader stands on the brink of getting a Klu-Klux-Klan inspired border wall - all he has to do is wreck a whole lot of American's lives in the process. It is like the Nazis have beaten us after all! Evil is good! Just ask all those out of work 'murikins!

Concept: Reynard and Phineas, Layout: TMITH - Click to enlarge
The characters are not constant, was that done for a purpose?
Reynard: We tried to include a swath of American humanity as characters in the drama.
Phineas: Bob does at least make an effort toward thinking, Chester follows blindly.
Does that appear to be the case for most supporters of Mussolini Jr.?
Phineas: I have spoken with engineers who literally turn off every investigative thought when it comes to Jr.
Reynard: One literally told me he wanted "A white man" regardless of qualification, thought capacity or criminal background.
This comic is a little frightening
Phineas: But funny

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