
Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Falcon Of Justice!

Words: Deegan/Zzen - Pencils, Inks & Letters: TMITH - Click To Enlarge
Phineas; How many of our comics are going to have birds of prey swooping down on the righteous and the unrighteous? We seem a little stuck on it.
Bob: As many as it takes.
Sally:  It's time for some lighter fare around here. How about that story where God actually starts to do some cool stuff. He changes the president (of a country in a faraway world similar to our own) in ways that make him aware of his own bizarre temperament. 
Reynard: You mean where president Bumpo-Orange wakes up and see parts of his body have turned the same color as the minority Melanauts? The Melanauts that he hates and fears so much?
Sally: Yeah, that one. Your idea from last week

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