
Monday, March 12, 2018

Jesus Gets Off His Dinosaur...

Leonard Da Vinci's "Yeshua Astride Behemoth". One can see the tail of the dinosaur circled in red. Some try to claim the tail was added to the drawing a few years later. We have checked and during that time period there were no American conservative christians. Plus it looks just like Da Vinci's work because it's kinda the same color*.

Tiletus and the Behemoth

  1. Jesus approaches his disciples riding a small dinosaur with long rows of very sharp teeth.
  2. The disciples grew afraid saying, "Go out from among us for fear your domestic animal will surely start devouring us with no hesitation and deal with us in a treacherous way."
  3. Jesus got down from the dinosaur and said, "A twisted generation lacks faith! If your faith was strong you would put your face before the mouth of my dinosaur."
  4. Tiletus (son of Beershaboth of Toth) said loudly, "I have strong faith!" He then came up out of the group and put his face before the dinosaur.
  5. The dinosaur struck out and in an instant completely took off the face of Tiletus. The disciples were astonished, and some began to squirm and vomit.
  6. Jesus walked over and put back on Tiletus' face, all the while saying, "In that day you must be quite sure that your faith is very strong, especially before you do something so terribly stupid. If you are not using discernment who will put your face back on?"
  7. Then the disciples were amazed at Jesus wisdom and utterances. Because he was weak and stupid they sent Tiletus out never to return (Tiletus was simply ecstatic to have his face back.)There were then only twelve disciples left. (One of them would turn out to be a useful traitor).


As an art historian I can tell you unequivocally that the tail was added later. The color is not the same nor is the stroke. Even the tool used to produce the line is not the same. You are viewing a forgery.
Dear DS,
As you well know I don't believe experts, professors, smart people or scientists. Are you smart or something? Who did I vote for? Why is that of any concern here? You deny Jesus and he will deny you.
Wilford E. - Lay persons for the Holy Rood

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