
Monday, March 19, 2018

A Huckabee Dribble Of Jesus

It takes a village... Deegan Speaks!

A few of Sarah's thoughts during a press briefing. Her disposition toward the truth is edifying...
DEEGAN Says...
It takes bunches of villages full of people with outsized tribal instincts* to hand over the reins of power to Nazi loving KKK minded world class society destroyers. The tribal minded slow people who will give you the large snips and let you cut their balls off. All while saying, "It's okay if he cuts my balls off, he has no melanin."
Yay freedom! Freedom from healthcare! Freedom to participate in endless war, because these colors don't run!" Yes, the ones with laundry commercials endlessly running in their skulls. The ones like Kim Davis who wear their hypocrisy on their sleeve and the ability to reason has left them with just a Huckabee dribble of Jesus on their chin. The ones willing to shatter the vase if they can't paint a swastika on it, like Betsy Devos and her "charter" (read segregated) school concepts. Jesus K Khrist!


WORLD CLASS COMMENTARY - from the proletariat

How dare you call into question the character of Sarah Hucklebee? She's a Christian! You can tell by the things she says! - Jensen D.
Dear Sir,
Sarah, like her father Mike, is a strong conservative Christian and as such have a very “reverential” view of facts. They see reality with a Mike Pence style, it is much affected by what Jesus tells them at 2:00 in the morning. - Deegan
When you say "Nazi loving" I get the feeling you are condescending or putting down white supremacy in general. Is this what you are doing? You do know that there are good Nazis, don't you?
 - J.B. Sessions
Dear Jefferson,
Sarah says that racism is only bad when you have bad racists. The new administration, led by Greasy McSwindlefoot, is full of only the best racists.- Deegan
What is a "Huckabean"? - Sister Slappahand
Dear Sister Slappahand,
1. 'Huckabean' a basic lie, wrapped in doubtfully applicable bullshit. Told with an air of "Jesus put me here and I can tell you goddamn sinners anything and you must love it" tone.
Since you have given up on facts, I will give you huckabeans.

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