
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Cosmic Truth Chess Set

The Cosmic Truth Chess Set - TMITH's own design and one of the last known vestiges of truth in the universe

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Huckabee Dribble Of Jesus

It takes a village... Deegan Speaks!

A few of Sarah's thoughts during a press briefing. Her disposition toward the truth is edifying...
DEEGAN Says...
It takes bunches of villages full of people with outsized tribal instincts* to hand over the reins of power to Nazi loving KKK minded world class society destroyers. The tribal minded slow people who will give you the large snips and let you cut their balls off. All while saying, "It's okay if he cuts my balls off, he has no melanin."
Yay freedom! Freedom from healthcare! Freedom to participate in endless war, because these colors don't run!" Yes, the ones with laundry commercials endlessly running in their skulls. The ones like Kim Davis who wear their hypocrisy on their sleeve and the ability to reason has left them with just a Huckabee dribble of Jesus on their chin. The ones willing to shatter the vase if they can't paint a swastika on it, like Betsy Devos and her "charter" (read segregated) school concepts. Jesus K Khrist!


WORLD CLASS COMMENTARY - from the proletariat

How dare you call into question the character of Sarah Hucklebee? She's a Christian! You can tell by the things she says! - Jensen D.
Dear Sir,
Sarah, like her father Mike, is a strong conservative Christian and as such have a very “reverential” view of facts. They see reality with a Mike Pence style, it is much affected by what Jesus tells them at 2:00 in the morning. - Deegan
When you say "Nazi loving" I get the feeling you are condescending or putting down white supremacy in general. Is this what you are doing? You do know that there are good Nazis, don't you?
 - J.B. Sessions
Dear Jefferson,
Sarah says that racism is only bad when you have bad racists. The new administration, led by Greasy McSwindlefoot, is full of only the best racists.- Deegan
What is a "Huckabean"? - Sister Slappahand
Dear Sister Slappahand,
1. 'Huckabean' a basic lie, wrapped in doubtfully applicable bullshit. Told with an air of "Jesus put me here and I can tell you goddamn sinners anything and you must love it" tone.
Since you have given up on facts, I will give you huckabeans.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Jesus Gets Off His Dinosaur...

Leonard Da Vinci's "Yeshua Astride Behemoth". One can see the tail of the dinosaur circled in red. Some try to claim the tail was added to the drawing a few years later. We have checked and during that time period there were no American conservative christians. Plus it looks just like Da Vinci's work because it's kinda the same color*.

Tiletus and the Behemoth

  1. Jesus approaches his disciples riding a small dinosaur with long rows of very sharp teeth.
  2. The disciples grew afraid saying, "Go out from among us for fear your domestic animal will surely start devouring us with no hesitation and deal with us in a treacherous way."
  3. Jesus got down from the dinosaur and said, "A twisted generation lacks faith! If your faith was strong you would put your face before the mouth of my dinosaur."
  4. Tiletus (son of Beershaboth of Toth) said loudly, "I have strong faith!" He then came up out of the group and put his face before the dinosaur.
  5. The dinosaur struck out and in an instant completely took off the face of Tiletus. The disciples were astonished, and some began to squirm and vomit.
  6. Jesus walked over and put back on Tiletus' face, all the while saying, "In that day you must be quite sure that your faith is very strong, especially before you do something so terribly stupid. If you are not using discernment who will put your face back on?"
  7. Then the disciples were amazed at Jesus wisdom and utterances. Because he was weak and stupid they sent Tiletus out never to return (Tiletus was simply ecstatic to have his face back.)There were then only twelve disciples left. (One of them would turn out to be a useful traitor).


As an art historian I can tell you unequivocally that the tail was added later. The color is not the same nor is the stroke. Even the tool used to produce the line is not the same. You are viewing a forgery.
Dear DS,
As you well know I don't believe experts, professors, smart people or scientists. Are you smart or something? Who did I vote for? Why is that of any concern here? You deny Jesus and he will deny you.
Wilford E. - Lay persons for the Holy Rood

Thursday, March 8, 2018

So Universal

Quick Hits From The Cosmic Staff...

"Religion and war are two forms of mental illness that are so universal that no one actually notices how sad and pathetic they are." - Reynard

"Religion and war may well be forms of mental illness Reynard, but since we absolutely must have them, we will glorify them with words, pictures, poems and movies. Especially when we mix the two together. It makes for drama of the highest caliber - satisfying our private and public lust for blood, nation and honor." - Wheems

"You cannot speak of religion with disrespect, when you do we will take you to the flaming mouth of the volcano and toss in your foul words with your mouth wrapped around them. At that time they will sound like this, "AAAAAAH!" and "Lord help me please no, oh GOD!" But it will be too late! The fiery lake of molten rock will deconstruct your bones and there will be nothing left of you but a wisp of smoke! The Gods will inhale it as fragrance. - Akamu Alika

Image result for Ingrid Bergman in joan of arc stake scene
Ingrid Bergman as a fine-ass Joan of Arc, getting ready to be burnt up all religious like. - Deegan

Usually we recommend burning at the stake for people who disrespect religion. You may question our love for you and just how exactly you benefit, but believe us, it's good for you. - Deegan

It is not for us to determine whether or not religion is good or bad. It is enough to simply review the actions and results of it and...[ ] Wow, irrationality wins every time. We will stick with the benign, the banal, the oatmeal cookie recipe, etc. so some religious zealot does not dynamite our meager storefront, killing to make God happy. - Bob

War, religion and all it's adherents and worshipers will not be denied - as they are conscripted by the makers of us. Your whining at them will be as sheep bleatings and your caustic logical progressions will bounce off their heads as a rubber ball bounces off a concrete slab. Have no fear, you will die somewhere at any moment regardless. - Zzen.