
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Jesus Comes Back Early

Episode One: Jesus comes back as a black teenager in America

Proof that the Bible still applies today - directly mentions the data cloud

Random internet photo labeling - "because all their data shall be lost" by TMITH

Jesus:  I’m going to walk down this street. It seems like a nice neighborhood!

George Zimmerman:  Hey nigger! What are you getting ready to steal?

Jesus:  Are you talking to me?

George Zimmerman:  You see any other stealin’ niggers around here? Now get out of here before I kick your ass!

Gets out of car and approaches Jesus.
Jesus:  You are merely trying to goad me into a fight so you can shoot me down in cold blood.
Jesus reveals himself
George Zimmerman:  You’re Jesus!
Jesus:  Evidently.
George Zimmerman:  You’re not supposed to be here yet… God’s plan!
Jesus:  I'm just checking things out. As far as God's plan is concerned you and your little pointy white hat hooded friends and their little fiery crosses - are no part of it. I will remember your evil and Sean Hannity's also.
George Zimmerman: But I didn't know!
Jesus:  You are a tiny little racist. You face the same fate as your father, Ann Coulter-Limbaugh.
Jesus de-materializes
George Zimmerman: No Jesus, please!!!
George mutters to himself, "I'm going home to beat my wife"
Jesus whispers from the data cloud "George, George, You will never learn, will you?"
George mutters something else, then the devil appears, takes his hand and assures him, "Have no fear George, true assholes get away with nearly everything in this world and none are more true than you ."

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