
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bullfrogs and Fairies

A Fairy Might Come In

"Two Women" - PhotoArt by TMITH

William woke up early and headed toward the bathroom - stumbling and stiff fumbling for the light switch. Once the room was lit he saw a beautiful woman dressed in a fairy oufit. She said, "I will grant you three wishes but first you must love me." William said "But i will be late for work!" The fairly dressed woman said "Wrong answer!" and - turning William into a minor league bullfrog, disappeared in a twinkle*. Williams' company, upon not hearing from him in weeks - fired him and took his pension**. William hopped into the toilet but could not find enough insects and soon was no more***. The moral of the story is this: Do not leave your bathroom window open, a fairy might come in.

*cute way of saying "instantaneously"



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