
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jet's Don't Fly On Holy Spirit!

Once you speak to Reverend Good Enough for a jet plane all doubts will be erased...

The Falcon 7X - it's the modern day equivalent of a donkey
Have you wondered why your pastor doesn't have a jet plane?

Wheems: You once said that "if Jesus were alive today, instead of riding a donkey he would be flying in a jet plane". We get it, but how is it that the holy spirit directed you to the Falcon 7X?

Reverend Good Enough: Have you seen it? It is a beast! It's ungodly, but in a holy way! When people see it they holler "Jesus Christ RGE, that is one hell of a plane!" Then I caution them not to "take the lords plane in vain".

Wheems: How do you feel about the treatment of immigrant families at the southern border of the U.S.?

RGE: What does that have to do with my plane? Why all this talk about migrants? These people have suffered at the hands of multinationals for decades, now it's a big deal. Suffering is good, it's in the bible!

Wheems: Does that mean God is actually responsible for the way things are going, the misery of these families and the needless suffering of refugees around the globe? That is not a thing to be proud of. What are your thoughts?

RGE: You cannot question God. Who do you think you are?

Wheems: The same God that told you to get a Falcon 7X allows immigrant children to be torn from their families and sold into sexual slavery? How can that be?

RGE: The mysteries of God are legion. Do not question and doubt. You should pray to Jesus and make a donation to my church, then you will see the light of righteousness and hope. At that time Jesus will make a way for you to blame the immigrants themselves for their condition. Don't forget that donation, jets don't fly on holy spirit!

Wheems: How is it that God has not sent a lightning bolt with your name on it?

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