
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jet's Don't Fly On Holy Spirit!

Once you speak to Reverend Good Enough for a jet plane all doubts will be erased...

The Falcon 7X - it's the modern day equivalent of a donkey
Have you wondered why your pastor doesn't have a jet plane?

Wheems: You once said that "if Jesus were alive today, instead of riding a donkey he would be flying in a jet plane". We get it, but how is it that the holy spirit directed you to the Falcon 7X?

Reverend Good Enough: Have you seen it? It is a beast! It's ungodly, but in a holy way! When people see it they holler "Jesus Christ RGE, that is one hell of a plane!" Then I caution them not to "take the lords plane in vain".

Wheems: How do you feel about the treatment of immigrant families at the southern border of the U.S.?

RGE: What does that have to do with my plane? Why all this talk about migrants? These people have suffered at the hands of multinationals for decades, now it's a big deal. Suffering is good, it's in the bible!

Wheems: Does that mean God is actually responsible for the way things are going, the misery of these families and the needless suffering of refugees around the globe? That is not a thing to be proud of. What are your thoughts?

RGE: You cannot question God. Who do you think you are?

Wheems: The same God that told you to get a Falcon 7X allows immigrant children to be torn from their families and sold into sexual slavery? How can that be?

RGE: The mysteries of God are legion. Do not question and doubt. You should pray to Jesus and make a donation to my church, then you will see the light of righteousness and hope. At that time Jesus will make a way for you to blame the immigrants themselves for their condition. Don't forget that donation, jets don't fly on holy spirit!

Wheems: How is it that God has not sent a lightning bolt with your name on it?

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How We Write

Here is our creative method

First there are some random notes in a pseudo intellectual fake leather notebook. They are however written with a true pencil. The ideas themselves are real, 100% natural, non-GMO, orgasmic, with low mercury content.

Then a small army of scribes transcribe the notes to any one of the dogmatic electronic media bringers. These prepare the ideas for mass distribution.

Please note the transitions from the hardcopy-live page to the pixel prone pap of the hydro-electric image files...

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Wrong Drunken Asshole

Old news to consider...

Don't worry I won't be writing opinions, Mitch gave me a set of rubber stamps to use!

Kavanaugh addressing Christine Blasey Ford
at his reception/hearing where they all heard about his 'Calendar Encounter'. They also heard him recite women's names that he recalled from his younger days, this proved that he was not the drunken asshole Ms Ford thought he was, but merely another drunken asshole.

More here: