
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sending Liberty Back

Statue Of Liberty To Be Sent Back...

Bannon and friends intend to return the Statue of Liberty and charge France for the shipping.

The administration recently revealed plans to send the Statue of Liberty back, using a family owned shipping company, and back charge the French government for the shipping. The reason given was to "reaffirm our America first disposition". Staffers also mentioned that the original concept was "no longer in tune with current policy". If France will not pay transit costs the statue will be melted down into "Freedom Rings" for men and women who support the current administration. They will cost only $199.00 each and will have "America Is Great Again-WW-III" emblazoned around a synthetic red ruby. Also included will be a certificate of authenticity and cloying patriotic fervor.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Beauty, Peace and Sweetness

Photo: Reynard, Caption: Sally

Sally Says

"Don't forget the soft and beautiful, the creative and the gentle, because it really does exist - even now. You may see a world confused, racked with fear, greed and hate. I see the things deemed not newsworthy. A mother nursing a child. An old person being gently cared for. The sick being looked after with love. A kind word and helping hand. These are the things I see."

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Push Button Matilda

What informs your average American? 

From the Cosmic staff... A Story
Collage by TMITH -  Jesus, all American?

Push Button Matilda tried to find a spoon looked out the window and fell in love with the moon. What does that have to do with America full of greed? A wildly snorting animal and enigmatic war steed? Easily misled, Push Button Matilda cannot see past the TV screen and so votes for the nasty, the vile, and the obscene.
Fear mongering anti-intellectual zombies, for what else is a person who refuses to think?!! Push Button Matilda sees a brown person walking down the street - she's very patriotic and thinks he needs to be beat - She calls the police and starts to fret, for she truly believes she sees a threat (he looks like that football player, the one who took a knee) The flag! The flag! The flag is not free! "He's looking in peoples windows" she cries out lying (it really didn't take her that much trying). The police come and subdue the intruder, right outside his own front door - He won't try that walking down the street stuff, not anymore...
He resisted their "directions" and having no connections - had to be dispensed with - all patriotic style - while Push Button Matilda watched with a smile - "Serves 'em right for simply being, they are all no account heathens!"
Push Button Matilda looks at her shiny plastic Jesus then shifts her eyes to her nylon flag, there is more to her than being a drag. Hatred allows her to brag a bit. Hatred gives her a small sense of power. She sits alone in her cardboard tower and says, "At least I'm no nigger or Muslim!" She thinks - then pauses, because her thoughts - her thoughts betray her - for in the deep of night just a little bit later, she wishes indeed, for a brown invader.

Understanding "Push Button"

Literature Analysis by Hans Cockerel Wheems

The PBM character is easily distracted by anything lacking weight, hence the moon and television. Fear is a major component that builds PBM's disposition, the facts concerning the fear are never entertained and when challenged PBM will not budge or give consideration to any fact that might break down her media fabricated outlook towards non-tribe members. (Actually any action that challenges her worldview - no matter how absolutely concrete - is met with fierce  and preferably violent resistance) one reason for her disdain of protestors. Lying to solidify her outlook is not a moral issue at all. This is common with authoritarians. Increasing self esteem by self identifying against outside (innocent) groups is also a common trait as is sensual objectification/dehumanization of said groups. This "poem" covers a broad expanse of issues - yet captures much of the essential angst of many "racially oriented" Americans today.

Thursday, April 6, 2017



Parody of the then popular comic "Dick Tracy" in the actual strip the TV wrist radio was a little smaller

TMITH dusts off some from the archives
Deegan: Nobody wants to see your old crap, TMITH! What is this, did you find an old portfolio in the attic?
TMITH: It's like a timeline, you know? It's history, my history!
Phineas: I think it's slightly humorous, quaint almost. But it does not meet the Cosmic's standards.
TMITH: Standards? We don't have any standards...
Deegan: That's pretty obvious.