
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Serious Art

How serious is it?

Sculptural Object or Shelving Unit? (TMITHS "Pentup-Shelf" design - design patent pending*)

What makes it serious? Is it the cost, or rather price paid at auction or fair? Could it be the size of the piece or the brightness of the gimmick? How about the critical acclaim? Does the masses' distaste for it play a role in it's acceptance in "the art world"? Is the ability to screen and launder large amounts of drug money a key to it's momentum? Perhaps it's utter incomprehensibility creates the oeuvre as a mystery. Who the hell knows.
I love art!
*Once we get the front money for the application

Cosmic Staff Confessions - Part 1

We had an analyst come in the Cosmic office to verify our mental health status. Here are some excerpts from the sessions:

Reynard: When I see a small chubby person walking, sometimes I make a doink-doink-doink sound in my head, to match their footfalls.
Analyst: Why that's reprehensible!
Reynard: I didn't do it when you walked in, don't worry.
Analyst: I'm not small and chubby.
Reynard: Wow, you are good at analyzing. What school did you go to again?
Sally: They hired me to answer the phone, but I should be running the place, I'm the only one around here that has any sense!
Analyst: Ok. Can you get me some coffee?
Sally: What?!! Why you sexist pig!
Analyst: No, really though coffee, please.
Sally: Oh. My. God. I'll get you some coffee alright! Just wait right there...
Deegan: I got nothing for you Doc, because I don't give a shit.
Analyst: Do you think that's a healthy attitude?
Deegan: Fuck you.
Phineas: All my stories have prostitutes or whorehouses in them.
Analyst: Have you ever been with one, or to a whorehouse?
Phineas: Why no!
Analyst: Then you should go to one, but they are rather expensive.
Phineas: Does insurance cover it?
Tmith: All I can think of is a big chunk of animal flesh exposed to just the right amount of fire.
Analyst: Filet Mignon?
Tmith: I can eat that too. I guess. I was thinking of Mastodon meat.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

True Sexual Nature

The Hard and Fast Reality of Things

"The Hard and Fast Reality of Things" or "True sexual Nature"

Monday, January 16, 2017

Wave Your Flag and Keep On Biting

March Of The Zombies

Reading Primer From The 1960's "Dick and Jane"

See... Dick Run

Run Dick run. See Sally see Dick and Spot. Spot barks, woof woof! See the zombies bite sally, bite bite Alt right! See the people scared and afraid, run Dick run! Dick sees Sally. Sally bites Dick. Dick turns right, Alt right! Sally bites Spot. Spot barks, Heil Heil, Woof-Heil! See McDonnel/Douglas, money, money, bomb, bomb, bomb! See Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Kay-Dah, Isil, Isotoner, Isotonics, memnonics, Dianetics, radical weight loss, radical Islam, Christian B-52's, corn pone, bombing drone, ethnic cleansing for your bathtub, refugees and the military industrial complex! Whew! Aren't you glad you're a zombie? You don't have to think of all that stuff. You don't have to think logically at all. Just wave your flag and keep on biting.

Department of Religion

Spiritual Cash Bar, Murphy's One Stop Prayer Shop

"You pay for you, we'll pray for you
Our prayers are silent and not condescending
No bending of ears and no never ending
The long of it is what you want and the short of it is what you get
For your prayers and ours are answered when your cash you've dispensed"
Fifteenth century engraving on the wall of castle Aught-Nee in the Welding's of Scotland. At least that's what Deegan said when he wrote it.