
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Psychoanalysis of America - The Test Delivery Object (TDO)

The Donald Trump Test:  Procedure and Results


Target Patient/Group is easily misled, delusional and displays a craving for false information and racist dialog. Target group is fearful and as a result of those fears, hateful. A large percentage of the target group appears to believe that a lack of melanin is somehow a sign of superiority, mentally as well as morally, despite concrete evidence to the contrary.
Donald Trump is the "TDO" (Test Delivery Object)
Procedure, Test and Results
Test Part I
Expose patient to random theory with zero probability
This allows us to gauge plausibility of “test delivery object” or TDO. The TDO in this case will be Donald Trump. Trump, known for decades as a sociopath and a generally low life weasel - whose only claim to fame is having access to cash and being a passably good con-artist. Trump will deliver and promote the “birther” theory. 

Test Result – Part I
Underestimation of racial intolerance/hate index
Patient’s racism allows inconceivable birther theory to advance - despite any rational coherent reasoning to the contrary. With these results we are able to proceed to Part II of the analysis, “The Candidacy”. 

Test Part II
If favorable response - increase dosage of bovina excrementata fourfold
While observing the general response of the masses use media buffering so that non-target audience does not over-respond. This is the “bend-point” in the analysis. Place hideous targets around TDO so he emerges as the obvious choice. Choose targets that are slimy and/or crazy and ill-begotten like Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina - and near felons such as Chris Christie.

Test Result – Part II
Bend Point Obliviousness - Republican Primary
Target and non-target are oblivious to TDO propping/staging. After many rounds of sub-idiotic banter the zombies are eliminated. Obvious impossibilities like random theory generator Carson, company destroying Fiorina, the self-loathing “John Ellis Bush” and other “losers” are gone. This leaves test delivery object (Trump) faced with “human environmental waste hazard” Ted Cruz. TDO wins primary with ease. General patient is mildly surprised and amused. Target audience is enthralled and practically giddy. Some subsets of the main group are concerned, but prove no match for media misdirection and smokescreens.  

Test Part III
Limits of Endurance - TDO Debates Republicrat HRC
TDO behavior during verbal cage matches (republican opponent HRC) will border on “grade school bully” to general lying and misdirection. TDO will deliver a mix of outrageous lies and half-truths to test the endurance of the target audience. If patient requests even higher doses of bovine waste increase to shock level and force close of experiment.

Test Result – Part III
Test Pattern and Procedures go unnoticed
Blatant media misdirection regarding TDO’s outrageous lies and falsified data proceeds without any annotation by the general public. TDO’s odious statements are continuously mollified until the “force close” when the media actually refer to TDO lies as “lies” this in the final stage of the test. Target audience is so addicted to the bovina excrementata that the actual highlighting of criminal activity does not dampen their enthusiasm for the TDO. It appears that for significant portions of humanus americanus there can be no recovery.

Addendum: Test has gone out of control and TDO is now president of the United States. OOPS! Sorry about that.

It is one thing to be entertained by a derelict character* on a television show (even then questionable), but to ask that he become your leader and president indicates a level of psychosis en-masse  never before charted in the annals of psychology. If one were of that disposition, one might consider it a prelude to judgment day. We realize however that it is merely the fear kickback of an African American president in a country founded on - and deeply steeped in - racism. We know rampant levels of sexism and misogyny exist in America.  How deep are they? Will we get a very clear picture of that very soon.  

*common known as an asshole

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