
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Joe-Eddy & Wilbur

Cue The Lightning

Joe-Eddy and Wilbur in: Joe-Eddy Talks Too Much! 

graphics by: TMITH
text by: Deegan


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Camel Drama

Anyone Can Draw - Just Not You

Its A Camel

I will be brave for your camels sake, Achmed-Timbio.
Go Rajarasheed - and be successful in your journey, bring my camel back laden with precious goods and articles, be discreet, earn your reward. In all things take note of the supreme one. The one allowing George Zimmerman to proceed. I will complete every corner of my journey in order to gain the hand of the fair Femanina and marry her and multiply myself - all while extolling the teachings you have given me, Achmed -Timbio. Yes, cue the dust storms and still stand. Wipe the grit from your crevices and pursue your dreams Rahamani-Rajarasheed-Jabbar, and as you go this time fully realize that if you fuck it up this time, it is your ass.
RRJ proceeded out from AT. He made his way thru the thieves and robbers and just barely acquired what he ought by the skin of his teeth. It was pure chance that he made it back alive, he married Femanina had children and prospered in a relative sense.


Concept rough for "The Deadline Passeth"

In "The Deadline Passeth" a group (four to be exact) struggle vainly to meet a deadline critical to the life of their business. All seems lost when out from the fog of their minds the deadline fairy appears, her answers stun and perplex them, they do not notice her bearing or garb. Her salvation as presented is a moral dilemma they dare not question. What will they do?

Who will stand for the workers?

...The question is, why are some people so determined to push the greed agenda here? The superrich could sneeze and more than enough money would come out to soothe society ills – but instead they choose to vilify the worker (and further deprive them of rights they fought and died for) by polarizing the weak minded with racial and capital divisions. It would not be a stretch at all for those same ones to create the fear agenda directly - by paying a few psychotic groups to perform heinous crimes and film them for the masses to devour.