
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Jesus Dance

Dances are identified by certain movements that take place at certain
times or musical intervals. Some dances are identified or correlate with
the type of music being played. Using these parameters you can tell the
Tango from the Funky Chicken or the Waltz from the Mambo.
     Religion is like a dance that God tells you to do. If you don't do the
dance, God will kill you. If you do the dance but get the steps wrong,
God will kill you. If you do the dance correctly, but dance to the wrong
music, God will kill you. God is kind of picky like that.
     Now when you talk to various religionists they tell you that only
they know the steps - or - that while no one "really knows" the steps
"we have the right music". Or they will tell you that while
others may "dance" their way is clumsy, ignoble and uncoordinated.
     I wonder whether god really is concerned about our left foot while
he's a million light years away turning the lights off in another galaxy.
I wonder if our a-rythymic movements cause a gap in the interstellar
spiritual construct or, are we just kidding ourselves.

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