
Thursday, December 29, 2022

January 6th!

I have seen denial but let us say that this is... Beyond the pale?  

January 6th: "When your irrational fear and subsequent hatred overwhelms any compassion, empathy and plain common sense that you may have possessed" - Deegan

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Does he really - Did he really? Part 1

Okay we thought it was funny, but it's so commonplace among rank and file of this group that uh... Hey look, it's Marjorie Taylor Green! Let's see what she thinks!

The Cosmic: Hey MTG what do you think of George Santos?

MTG: It's freedom of speech, he is free to say whatever he wants.

The Cosmic: Oh, really?

MTG: He was just kidding! Whoever heard of a Jew named George Santos? Probably a spic.

The Cosmic: Are you sure you want to say that?

MTG: Now you are the one that can't take a joke! When we say anything disagreeable, we are just joking!

The Cosmic: When you say anything, it's a joke.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

How To Interpret the Holy Books Without Scribes, Pharisees, Priests or Wizards



Practically every single religious organization tells you that you need a guide or interpreter to benefit from God's writings. They say that the writings are presented in a way that only priests or similarly authorized people can understand. Thus the function and premise thereof allows and coerces you to visit their places of worship, then make a donation and get the correct construct and disposition that the bible (or whatever holy book you have grown up around) has to offer. That is - up until now.

 THE COSMIC GUIDE TO HOLY WRITINGS is available right here before Armageddon (or any similarly constructed arrangement) blows all of you scumbags off the planet. As a bonus it is mercifully short, easy to read and free of charge - the simple reason being that we have no con artists at the Cosmic. Let's go.
 The Five Canons show cannons* - Explosive knowledge in the face of reason.
We have divided the methodology into five segments:
  1. Simplification
  2. Rationalization
  3. Conflict Resolution
  4. Higher Thinking
  5. Fear & Terror

During the next five weeks we will share at no cost to you the five cannons (or canons depending on your disposition). The reason it's free is because I just ate and am totally without greed or malice - though I may need help with humility. Look for these on Wednesday's at noon!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Did They Really Think That?


Do I Really Need To Let Them Touch Me?

 Yes folks, black preachers asking God to make this particular nationalist a little less racist. Did it work?

Let us consider the facts. While we do so let's have a little polka music! Did I say Polka? I did! Polka music is good for what ails you, also sauerkraut works wonders for your American gut ailments!

Did it work? Are the Proud Boys racist? That depends on who you ask and who is present during the answer.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Did They Really Say It?

Quotes from great people? 

 There are some folks who doubt the veracity of the "full on asshole" style of certain managers/leaders of our wonderful corporations! Many corporations have been proven (over and over by the way) to put the benefit to society first - before profits! People like Elon Musk!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Its A New Simpler Time For Cosmic Love


Here is a picture. My knee hurts but what does that mean to you? Well here in the U.S. it might mean some truly exorbitant medical costs. Since we are being sensible let's think about it using the tried-and-true multiple choice method. Your knee is fucked up so:

  1. You are an old conservative, so you vote for a bunch of guys who want to cut the Medicare you rely on. Of course, that is entirely logical, in that they will make you feel better about your obvious racism.
  2. You are young and a proud American who can't take their eyes of the enormous grift available to lap dogs, so you vote for a bunch of guys who want to increase the cost of any medical help. You feel that kissing up to them will put you in line for some of their heinous profits. Also, they will make you feel better about your obvious racism, and that is a plus!
  3. You are a sensitive compassionate person so every Christmas you leave a bag of groceries out for the homeless people. The homeless that are created by the same group of greedy assholes who make you feel better about your obvious racism.
If you have gotten this far you may see a thread. There are a group who believe only the wealthy should have healthcare. It may be the same people that make you think your racism is okay, despite common sense and logic.They are the same people whose only thrill in life is their hatred of the disenfranchised.

Here is the fun part. All this nonsense has happened before, and it got better.*

*okay, not that much better


I thought it was supposed to be simple. This is not simple.   Jim-Man, New Boston, OK.
Dear Jim-Man
We said "simpler" that means less oblique.
You nigga loving liberals always think every thing is racist. I'n not racist! Sam "The Third" Jones, Houston TX.
Dear Sam,
That's not how you spell it.