
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Who's Doing The Talking?

No matter the religion everyone says their "Holy Book" was inspired by God. The Cosmic team started to ask how you could verify that it was actually God doing the inspiring and...

Speaking of spirits...

Apparently, a form of LSD was used centuries before the Christ

When one is talking to you how do you know if it is God, the devil, an angel or a demon? They don't give you a business card before they start yammerin' at ya. So who is who? He might sound like an angel but be a demon, or he might sound like God but be an angel just trying to take undue credit. Man it's a tough row to hoe - trying to separate all these. When do people get these inspirations?
When they are:
  • Hallucinating
  • Sleep
  • High on opiates
  • Drunk
  • Fasting for long periods
These inspirations are remarkably, written down as "facts" - wow!
     These same visions will get you locked up in the psyche ward or, depending on who you share it with - make you a famous religious leader. If I told you a giant truck tire in the sky - with an eyeball in the middle of it - explained (to me alone) the fate of mankind, what would you say?

For precursor to wheel graphic see

     If you or anybody you know - knows how to be certain of the origins of "inspirations of God" please, by all means - explain it to me.

Truck Tyre With eyeball: Ken
Truck Tyre Redux 4: TMITH
"Who's Talking" concept: Zzen
Textual conveyance: Sally/Reynard
Asshole "presence": Deegan
Empty pockets/ideas: Phineas ("soon to be fired Phineas")

The answer to the question is not just "kill the bad-guys" as the "Holy books" and conservatives would have you believe.