
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Arizona, Freedom To Stone People To Death...

Freedom of religion means that...
The truck tyre in the sky told me to do it...

We might just have to stone you to death for talking back to your parents, in America we are already putting children in jail for doing it, well at least when it's a for profit prison and the judge is on the take along with the warden..

Speaking about Arizona...
Are these people for real or is all this belligerent inane "assholery" a smoke screen to distract the masses from some very real issues? I refer to a law passed that allowed discrimination based on religious issues*.  Come on already, are we entering the dark ages or what?

*Don't come 'round heah, cause I got some issues wif you gays! Indeed you do...

Who is telling you to hate?

Ku-Klux-Klan Your Ground!

What would... Michael Dunn do?
No matter what your take on it is, the Ku-Klux-Klan loves "Stand Your Ground" laws. So does Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and the conservatives that wrote it. Ah America, I hardly got a chance to know you.